Type One Diabetes Facts

Diabetes is a disease of sugar. Even this disease claimed more dangerous than with HIV/AIDS. When a person is affected by diabetes, his entire life will change and cannot be ‘ normal ‘ again. They should always be alert to the possibility of blood sugar are soaring as well as cautious in case of wounds on the body.

Type 1 Diabetes Facts

Type One Diabetes Facts

Diabetes consists of two types i.e. diabetes type-1 and type-2. Although both equally could be treated using drugs and insulin, diabetes type-1 note is more dangerous than type-2 diabetes. Here are some important facts that are known about type-1 diabetes, such as offered by Mag for Woman.

Type-1 Diabetes is An Auto-immune Disease

Not many know that the actual type-1 diabetes is an auto-immune disease. In the case of type-1 diabetes, the pancreas fails to produce insulin, a hormone that helps the body get energy from food consumed. The pancreas fails to produce insulin because the immune system attacks the beta cells. There is no cure for this disease and most likely this is caused by environmental factors and genetic, unlike diabetes type 2 can be caused by lifestyle and diet.

All Persons Affected Risk Diabetes Type-1

Because diet and lifestyle is not related to diabetes-type 1, so this disease can strike anyone ranging from children to the elderly. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes have type 1, she will rely on lifelong insulin either by way of injection or pump to the body. Insulin injection can do late leads to death.

A Difficult Disease Treated

Diabetes is considered more dangerous than HIV/AIDS because the treatment is not easy and will transform a patient’s life forever. This is indeed true is, because the type-1 diabetic patients may experience dependency on insulin injections. Depends on the person, each dose of insulin needed by patients can be very high. Sometimes insulin must be injected pump for one day or multiple times during a day. This sort of thing is not to be missed or could cause fatal consequences.

Symptoms Similar to Diabetes-Type 2

Type-1 diabetes has almost the same mark with type-2 diabetes, such as excessive thirst, quickly tired, frequent urination, increased appetite, changes in eye health, the presence of sugar in the urine, breath that smells like a fruity aroma, and difficulty breathing.

There are a number of myths circulating about diabetes type-1 as only children can experience it and insulin injections could cure type-1 diabetes. This is not correct, type-1 diabetes can strike anyone and could not be cured by an injection of insulin. Insulin injections will only help control blood sugar levels and insulin in the body supply patients diabetes type-1.
